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更新时间:2016-12-28 点击量:607

The 8034 flow rate indicator can easily be installed into any Bürkert INLINE fitting system S030.
Minimum straight upstream and downstream distances must be observed. According to the pipe’s design, necessary distances can be bigger or use a
flow conditioner to obtain the best accuracy. For more information, please refer to EN ISO 5167-1.
EN ISO 5167-1 prescribes the straight inlet and outlet distances that must be complied with when installing fittings in pipe lines in order to achieve
calm flow conditions. The most important layouts that could lead to turbulence in the flow are shown below, together with the associated prescribed
minimum inlet and outlet distances. These ensure calm, problem-free measurement conditions at the measurement point.
标准K系数校正:≤×±(0.5% o.F.S. +2.5%
在线校正(Teach-in):≤±0.5% o.F.S.
Complete device data (fitting + electronic module)
Pipe diameter DN 06 to 65
Measuring range 0.5 to 10 m/s
Medium temperature with
Fluid pressure max. PN10 (with plastic fitting) - PN16 (with metal fitting)
Viscosity 300 cSt. max. (solid particles rate: 1%)
Accuracy ≤ ±10% of Reading1) (0.8 ... 2 m/s)
≤ ±4% of Reading1) (2 ... 10 m/s)
Repeatability ≤ ±1% of Reading1)
Power supply (V+) 2 batteries 1.5 VDC (Type LR14)
Display White background, red pointer and black scale


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